META name="keyword" content="keyword,internet, online marketing, internet advertising, emarketing, internet marketing, cost reduction, information, global audience"> Internet Marketing|Online Marketing|Global Audience Internet Marketing: 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How SponsoredReview Works

SponsoredReview is one of the monetization tool that is recommended by almost all of my blogging reference.

We can utilize this facility by joining as advertiser or as blogger. Both parties can make the benefit of sponsoredreview.

Advertises and Bloggers find each other by searching throughout easy-to-use interface. With this, blogger can find the blog of advertiser to be reviewed. Then the review is posted to his own blog.

Advertiser then will pay per review made by blogger that posted on his blog for the world to see.

But, to involved in this activity, blogger should joint and confirm to the requiremeny given by sponsoredreview.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blog Requirement to be joint Sponsored Review

This is my actual experience in joining the sponsoredreview. In order to get approval, our blog should meet the requirement as follows:

Your blog must contain at least 10 non-paid posts with 200 words of unique content each.
Your blog must be at least 3 months old and be cached/indexed in the major search engines, including Google.
Your blog must have, and maintain, at least a 2:1 ratio of non-paid to paid content.
The URL being submitted must be the homepage of your blog. At least 50 words and one link must appear on this URL for each paid review you post, when first posted.
If the blog is not the homepage of your site, there must be a clearly visible link to the blog on the homepage of the site. In other words, we do not want blogs that are orphaned (do not get traffic) on your site.
You must own the blog that you are submitting. Free-for-all or community article/blogs will not be accepted. Hosted blogs from sites like blogspot are ok.
Your blog must not be completely automated or appear to be created solely for search engine traffic.
You must complete all accepted reviews within 7 days, or your account will be suspended.
Foreign Language blogs (non-english) must clearly state in the title which language the blog is written in. i.e. "Jose's Blog - Spanish". All Reviews must be written in English unless otherwise stated by advertiser.
Blogs with very little traffic and/or links, may be rejected .
We may reject blogs that are overpriced. You should not charge more then our suggested price unless your site, and writing style, can justify it.
You must not list a price for reviews on your site greater then the price you set in sponsoredreviews.
We will suspend your account if you make rude or unconstructive comments about an advertiser. You should not accept an offer to write a review if you do not have at least something positive to say about the product/service. We encourage constructive criticism!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sponsored Review

Sponsored Review is one of facility to get money (monetize) from blogging. But not all blogger can perform this activity. There is the rule as follows.

You are required to register the correct URL where your blog is located (including sub-domains or directories). If your blog is located on, for instance, we will not accept as a valid URL. If you submitted the wrong URL upon registration just file a support ticket and we will fix it.
Your blog must be at least 3-months-old, and must be cached/indexed in the major search engines including Google.
Your blog must contain at least 10 posts of real content in order to be approved.
Your blog must have, and maintain, at least a 2:1 ratio of non-paid to paid content. The ratio is calculated on a monthly average.
Having more then one blog on a domain is not permitted. For example, if you have a domain which has a blog located at, you cannot have another blog in our system located at .
If you are using a free hosted blogging platform (e.g., Blogger or you are allowed have more than one blog, as long as the content is different. This goes for any free blog host that provides sub-domains (e.g., This exception does not cover free hosting platforms that use directories ( In this case the one blog per domain rule shall apply.
You are not allowed to display review prices on your blog (either direct reviews or via third party networks) that are more than 25% lower than the prices you have listed on our system. This rule needed is to avoid people lurking advertisers.
We reserve the right to reject blogs that contain too much visual clutter. You are free to use ads, banners and badges, but if they overwhelm the content itself we might suspend your blog (this refers to extreme cases, most blogs are not affected by this rule).
Your blog must have, and maintain, at least a 2:1 ratio of non-paid to paid content. The ratio is calculated on a monthly average.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

On-page and off-page SEO

SEO could be on-page and also off-page. At the beginning, my understanding of SEO is only about on-page SEO. I didn't know that SEO besides on-page SEO there is also off-page SEO.

On-page SEO include all efforts to optimize the web page by doing something related to the page, such as keywords, meta tags and content. By doing this, google robot can easily crawl our site. On-page SEO makes the site becomes search engine friendly.

Off-page SEO related to the effort given to make the traffic come to our site. One of the way to make it happen is by making a link between our site with other site that has the same topic with a better page rank.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Search Engine Optimization, SEO

SEO is the term that almost all blogger knows. This is necessary as a tool to make the blog or site becomes search engine friendly. Then the target is to make our site becoming in the first page on the seaarching result.

There are plenty tips on the SEO, one of them that I recomend is SEO by problogger.

Some general tips on SEO are:
1. Prepare the keyword before launching your site.
2. Edit meta tags on html edit of your site.
3. Make links among your articles.
4. Male links between your post with other site you refer to.
5. Make anchor text.

SEO is one of the tool that blogger should do. So, as I told previously, we should always study.