META name="keyword" content="keyword,internet, online marketing, internet advertising, emarketing, internet marketing, cost reduction, information, global audience"> Internet Marketing|Online Marketing|Global Audience Internet Marketing: December 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Study is Never Ending

I have just been rejected by a social media to become the member because of one reason that my blog has not met the requirement yet. I think many times to find in what aspect my blog has a missing, I am in the finding process......

So, from this case then I have got a lesson that we should study forever....never stop. As far as we are online, try to study as much as we can by surfing/ browsing the internet.

We should be active in the forum, to discuss the new issues dropped by the forum members, especially inline with our blog topic.

We should also read again e-books we have read and we should practice the items need to be practiced. Sometimes, second reading would have the different understanding than the first reading. Therefore, we need to read again the e-books we have ever read. Make notes and marks for the important things that might be we left at first reading.

How surprised we are that there are many things that we've got again after second reading. So, it means that study should be repeated again and again as far as we can in other to confirm that our previous understanding was true.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blog Moneytizing

Making money from blog is the next activity we should consider after our blog have been online and all business related with domain and hosting have been ready.

ProBlogger Darren Rowse discussed in a recent post how he’s making money with his blogging, and more generally, with his websites.

The following is a classification of its main sources of income for one of his personal blogs for the fourth quarter of 2006. Darren also included some information on how to use each of these revenue streams and products that offer better job for him to monetize their blogs and websites:

Chitika: While we do not work on all blogs (for example I do not use here at ProBlogger) and there is a traffic minimum to be accepted by them, Chitika is still my biggest source of revenue. They offer a variety of ad units and revenue flows - the top three for me are eMiniMalls, related product units and Shoplincs. Work will continue on the best sites related to the production. Instead SPS units by the end of posts (which give a good option for people to click when you finish reading and experiment with direct links to products in its shoplinc of product reviews (of products) on their blogs. (...)

AdSense: The most popular form of advertising on blogs is AdSense (according to some studies I've seen) and for me it's a reliable source of income that provides a significant level of income (slightly less than what it pulls in each month Chitika ). While the use referrals and their search product in some of my sites I find it normal that the ad is the best production of income for me - particularly rectangle (250 x 300 pixels), which placed close to content with a mixture of design . (...)

Name: Surname: Perhaps the greatest driving force for me in the past 12 months in terms of my income has come from TLA. Whilst they have a ceiling of what they earn for that site are another good source of income solid for me - especially now that it has added feedvertising (RSS ads), which conducts out any other type of RSS ad that I have tried. I am hearing from many bloggers that TLA is their biggest source of income now. It works best on sites that have been around for a while - do not need big traffic to be accepted - but with some Page Rank and search engine presence helps.

Amazon Associates: The fourth quarter of each year tends to be a good year for me in terms of commissions from Amazon. The last quarter was a moment that people are buying into a state of mind in preparing for Christmas - smart placement (deep linking inside posts) can bring great conversions. The key is to choose products to promote. Read more tips on affiliate programs to the blogs of some other tips on optimizing Amazon.

Private offerings of ads: I do a lot of offers private ad (s something that should focus on, but there are only so many hours in the day), but when they come in that may be important (if you have decent traffic). I have signed only two bids on my blog digital photography with Apple and Adobe for the next couple of months by which a suspect is the next leap forward this quarter.

Various Affiliate Programs: My blogs have a variety of smaller affiliate programs from them. I try to find quality products that deal with topics that I can really recommend - often via comments. Some of the best conversion of the products that I have recommended this last quarter included - Digital Photography Secrets (a camera technique of the series), Pro Photo Secrets (a product of Photoshop) and SEO Book (Aaron's legendary resources).

ProBlogger Job Boards: Not spectacular, but more and more revenue. I see this more as a service to readers that a stream of income at this time - but not pay for itself and put in a few hundred dollars each month.

BlogAds: I do not use much these days but in a little each month. I noticed BlogAds decrease in performance for me all the time happened to the new version. I'm not sure if my problem or hers, but apart from a blog that rarely sees sales these days (source -

Monday, December 15, 2008

Free Domain

One of the process to be followed before hosting is domain registering. For this process, you need to contact a domain provider which usually in one company with hosting provider.

Firstly, while entering a site for domain, you are requested to order your domain, you typed it, say such as
Then the sitae will check the availabilty of this domain name.
If it is available, it means you mac proceed with the registered domain name. If not, you need to rpeat again until you find that your chosen name is available.

Domain need to be paid, but some provider also provide the user with free domain such as from

You may proceed using it by clicking banner at this blog.......

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Importance of Sense of Business

One of the guidance in online business I have ever read that we have to treat the online business as our real business the same as offline.

So, we need to study the character of a business rela player, to take lesoons from them. Tehere are many thins we can study from them about the history how they treted their business util success.

Success is not come easily without a hard and smart working. There is a proverb; "No extra lunch today", means that every effort shall be done in order to get our lunch. So in the real meaning we should work to get the result, not just a gift.

So, one thing that we have not from study is "sense of business". I some times said that this is some thing related to talent. But it can be built-in through the serious spirit to win. online business...we also should consider this.