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Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Importance of Sense of Business

One of the guidance in online business I have ever read that we have to treat the online business as our real business the same as offline.

So, we need to study the character of a business rela player, to take lesoons from them. Tehere are many thins we can study from them about the history how they treted their business util success.

Success is not come easily without a hard and smart working. There is a proverb; "No extra lunch today", means that every effort shall be done in order to get our lunch. So in the real meaning we should work to get the result, not just a gift.

So, one thing that we have not from study is "sense of business". I some times said that this is some thing related to talent. But it can be built-in through the serious spirit to win. online business...we also should consider this.

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