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Friday, December 19, 2008

Study is Never Ending

I have just been rejected by a social media to become the member because of one reason that my blog has not met the requirement yet. I think many times to find in what aspect my blog has a missing, I am in the finding process......

So, from this case then I have got a lesson that we should study forever....never stop. As far as we are online, try to study as much as we can by surfing/ browsing the internet.

We should be active in the forum, to discuss the new issues dropped by the forum members, especially inline with our blog topic.

We should also read again e-books we have read and we should practice the items need to be practiced. Sometimes, second reading would have the different understanding than the first reading. Therefore, we need to read again the e-books we have ever read. Make notes and marks for the important things that might be we left at first reading.

How surprised we are that there are many things that we've got again after second reading. So, it means that study should be repeated again and again as far as we can in other to confirm that our previous understanding was true.


Eko Eshape said...

Because the study is part of the process of life that does not recognize the end point, such as the proverb says that "learning from cradle to death"

M. Ilyas Ahkab. said...

yes mas eko i agree with u coz we need study as the feed of our mind.
Thanks for sharing.