META name="keyword" content="keyword,internet, online marketing, internet advertising, emarketing, internet marketing, cost reduction, information, global audience"> Internet Marketing|Online Marketing|Global Audience Internet Marketing: Differences from Conventional Marketing

Friday, October 10, 2008

Differences from Conventional Marketing

The user is directed regularly browse the Internet itself, so marketing messages can reach them personally. This approach is used in the search market, where the ads are based on the search engine keywords entered by the user.

Appeal to specific interests
Internet marketing emphasis in marketing that appeals to a specific behavior or interests, instead of reaching a wide demographic defined. "Off-line marketing typically segment their markets according to age group, gender, geography, and other general factors. Online merchants have the luxury of the orientation of the activity. For example, a kayak company can send notices in kayaking and canoes websites with the full knowledge that the public has an interest related. Internet marketing differs from the magazine ads, where the goal is to appeal to the demographic projections of the magazine. Because the advertiser has knowledge of the recipients, who are engaged in certain activities (eg, upload images, contributing to the blogs) - the company is not based on the expectation that a certain group of people who interested in your product or service.

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